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Educational programs Arbetsledare, anläggning


Statistics and facts

Södermanlands län
How many educational programs for Arbetsledare, anläggning are there in Södermanlands län?
What does a Arbetsledare, anläggning do?
About the role
Construction supervisors play a key role in building and construction projects and are responsible for leading work teams in the field. They often have a background as skilled workers in construction and have supplemented with leadership training or a college education in construction technology. Their knowledge of construction processes and leadership is crucial for driving projects forward.
Construction supervisors plan, organize, and supervise the daily work at construction sites. They ensure that tasks are performed according to schedules and quality standards, and that workplace safety regulations are followed. They are also responsible for reporting progress and any issues to project managers or construction managers.
Skills and tools
Construction supervisors must have good leadership skills, be able to communicate effectively, and have the ability to solve problems. They use tools such as project management software, time reporting systems, and often technical equipment for measurement and control. Knowledge in occupational safety legislation and safety regulations is also important in their work. Common competencies demanded by employers are personalansvar, entreprenadjuridik and projektering.



Arbetsledare Anläggning (Södermanlands län)

Yrkeshögskoleutbildning, program
Study pace 100%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
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Education periodundefined – undefined