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Educational programs Utvecklingsingenjör, el-tele


Statistics and facts

Västra Götalands län
How many educational programs for Utvecklingsingenjör, el-tele are there in Västra Götalands län?
What does a Utvecklingsingenjör, el-tele do?
About the role
Development engineers in electrical and telecommunications are specialized in developing electrical and telecommunication systems. They often have a bachelor's degree in engineering or a master's degree in electrical engineering, telecommunications, or similar. Their work is crucial for innovation and improvement of technical solutions.
Development engineers in electrical and telecommunications are responsible for designing, testing, and implementing electrical systems and telecommunications equipment. They work with product development, from concept to finished product, and ensure that the solutions meet technical specifications and standards. They also collaborate with other engineers and technicians to solve complex technical challenges.
Skills and tools
Development engineers in electrical and telecommunications are proficient in CAD programs for design, simulation tools, and programming languages such as C or Python. They have a strong knowledge of electrical engineering and telecommunications technology. Analytical ability, problem-solving, and the ability to stay updated with the latest technology are key skills. Common competencies demanded by employers are c++ programmeringsspråk, programmering and python programmeringsspråk.



Utvecklingsingenjör Electromobility (Västra Götalands län)

Plushögskolan AB - Teknikhögskolan
Yrkeshögskoleutbildning, program
Study pace 100%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
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Education periodundefined – undefined