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Educational programs Sjukhusfysiker


Statistics and facts

Västerbottens län
How many educational programs for Sjukhusfysiker are there in Västerbottens län?
What does a Sjukhusfysiker do?
About the role
Medical physicists are experts in applying physics in medicine, often with a specialization in areas such as radiation therapy or medical imaging technology. They usually have a higher academic education, often a doctoral degree, in medical physics or related fields. Medical physicists are an important part of the medical team and contribute their expertise to improve patient care.
Medical physicists are responsible for ensuring the correct and safe use of medical technology involving radiation. They develop and monitor treatment plans for radiation therapy, perform quality assurance of medical equipment, and contribute to research and development. Their work is crucial in minimizing risks for patients and staff.
Skills and tools
Medical physicists must have in-depth knowledge of physics, mathematics, and medicine. They use advanced computer programs for dose planning, image processing systems, and radiation measuring instruments. Analytical ability, problem-solving, and accuracy are key skills in their work. Common competencies demanded by employers are radioterapi/strålbehandling, kvalitetssäkring and strålskydd.



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