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Educational programs Produktionstekniker, petroleumutvinning


Statistics and facts

Västerbottens län
How many educational programs for Produktionstekniker, petroleumutvinning are there in Västerbottens län?
What does a Produktionstekniker, petroleumutvinning do?
About the role
Production technicians in petroleum extraction are specialists in optimizing the extraction of oil and gas. They often have a college education in fields such as petroleum engineering, mechanical engineering, or chemical engineering. Their work is critical for maximizing efficiency and profitability in the petroleum industry.
These technicians monitor and analyze production processes, develop methods to increase extraction efficiency, and ensure that operations comply with environmental and safety standards. They work on solving technical problems, planning and implementing maintenance work. Continuously improving production methods to reduce costs and environmental impact is an important part of their responsibility.
Skills and tools
Production technicians in petroleum extraction need to have a good knowledge of hydraulics, geology, and thermodynamics. They use advanced software for simulation and data analysis, such as Petrel and Eclipse. Strong analytical skills, problem-solving ability, and the ability to work in teams are essential. Common competencies demanded by employers are produktionsteknik, ständiga förbättringar/lean and svenskt medborgarskap.



Produktionstekniker Digitalisering och datorstödd tillverkning

Skellefteå kommun Vuxenutbildningen
Yrkeshögskoleutbildning, program
Study pace 100%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
Next start date
Education periodundefined – undefined

Produktionstekniker Automatiserade tillverkningsprocesser

Skellefteå kommun Vuxenutbildningen
Yrkeshögskoleutbildning, program
Study pace 100%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
Next start date
Education periodundefined – undefined