About the role
Negotiation managers lead and coordinate negotiation processes within organizations, often in the private sector or trade unions. They typically have a background in law, economics, or human resources and have often undergone leadership training. Their expertise lies in creating strategies for negotiations and representing their employer's interests.Responsibilities
Negotiation managers are responsible for preparing, leading, and conducting negotiations with counterparts. They analyze contracts, identify negotiation objectives, and develop tactics. Their work also involves communicating with internal and external stakeholders to ensure that the negotiation outcomes are in line with the organization's goals.Skills and tools
Negotiation managers must have strong communication and negotiation skills. They use tools such as contract databases and analysis programs to support their strategies. Leadership, decision-making, and the ability to manage conflicts are key skills in their professional role. Common competencies demanded by employers are arbetsrätt, personalansvar and arbetsrättsliga frågor.