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Educational programs Elkraftingenjör


Statistics and facts

Jönköpings län
How many educational programs for Elkraftingenjör are there in Jönköpings län?
What does a Elkraftingenjör do?
About the role
Electrical power engineers are specialized in electrical engineering and focus on the production and distribution of electrical energy. They often have a college education in electrical engineering or electric power engineering. Their work is critical to ensure a reliable and efficient energy supply.
Electrical power engineers are responsible for designing and developing systems for electricity production, transmission, and distribution. They also monitor the operation and maintenance of power plants and electrical networks. Risk management and compliance with safety regulations are an important part of their job duties.
Skills and tools
Electrical power engineers are proficient in technical calculation programs and CAD tools for the design of electrical systems. Knowledge in project management and understanding of regulations are essential. They must also be skilled in problem-solving and have good knowledge of mathematics and physics. Common competencies demanded by employers are projektering, elkraftteknik and esa (elsäkerhetsanvisningarna).




Tekniska Högskolan i Jönköping AB
Yrkeshögskoleutbildning, program
Study pace 100%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
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