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Educational programs Byggledare


Statistics and facts

Östergötlands län
How many educational programs for Byggledare are there in Östergötlands län?
What does a Byggledare do?
About the role
Construction managers play a key role in building projects and are responsible for leading and coordinating the work at construction sites. They often have a college education in construction technology or a vocational college education in construction production. Construction managers ensure that the project follows schedules, budgets, and quality requirements.
Construction managers oversee the building process, from planning to completion. They are responsible for coordinating staff, materials, and equipment, as well as ensuring that all safety regulations are followed. They are also responsible for communication with clients, subcontractors, and authorities.
Skills and tools
Construction managers must have strong leadership abilities, be able to handle project management tools, and understand building codes and regulations. They often use project management software and CAD tools to review drawings. Problem-solving ability and effective communication are central skills. Common competencies demanded by employers are entreprenadjuridik, byggledning and projektering.



Byggledare - bygg och anläggning

East Sweden Business School AB
Yrkeshögskoleutbildning, program
Study pace 100%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
Next start date
Education periodundefined – undefined