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Educational programs Arbetsmiljöingenjör


Statistics and facts

Västernorrlands län
How many educational programs for Arbetsmiljöingenjör are there in Västernorrlands län?
What does a Arbetsmiljöingenjör do?
About the role
Occupational safety engineers work to improve the work environment within various organizations and industries. They often have an engineering education with a focus on occupational safety or another relevant higher education. Their knowledge contributes to creating a safe and healthy workplace for all employees.
Occupational safety engineers are responsible for identifying and assessing risks in the work environment. They develop and implement action programs to prevent accidents and work-related illnesses. They also ensure that the workplace complies with laws and regulations regarding occupational safety.
Skills and tools
Occupational safety engineers need good knowledge of occupational safety legislation and risk assessment techniques. They use tools such as risk analysis programs and measuring instruments to assess the work environment. Communication and collaboration skills are important in order to work effectively with staff at various levels. Common competencies demanded by employers are ständiga förbättringar/lean, miljöfrågor and säkerhetsfrågor.




Sundsvalls kommun, Vuxenutbildningen
Yrkeshögskoleutbildning, program
Study pace 100%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
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Education periodundefined – undefined