There is not enough data to show information about the salary status on the current market for this profession.
People in the profession
Practitioners in the occupational category general-, landstings- och kommundirektörer m.fl. where kommunchef/kommundirektör/stadsdirektör is included.
336Amount of people with this job in Stockholms län
64Amount of people with this profession in adjacent county
Quick analysis
Demand on the market right now
4 / 5
Is there a high demand for Kommunchef/Kommundirektör/Stadsdirektör?
The demand for the profession Kommunchef/Kommundirektör/Stadsdirektör has varied in recent years. In Stockholms län a total of 336 people work in the occupational category general-, landstings- och kommundirektörer m.fl. where the profession is included.
What skills are requested of a Kommunchef/Kommundirektör/Stadsdirektör?
If you look at what competencies the employers are looking for in a kommunchef/kommundirektör/stadsdirektör, personalansvar, utvecklingsarbete and budgetansvar are the most requested competencies.