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Educational programs Standardiseringsingenjör


Statistics and facts

Where can you get educated to become a Standardiseringsingenjör?
85Educational programs in Sweden
What does a Standardiseringsingenjör do?
About the role
Standardization engineers work on developing and implementing standards for products and processes within various industries. They often have an engineering education and specialized knowledge in quality assurance and standardization. Their work contributes to increased efficiency, safety, and international trade.
Standardization engineers are responsible for analyzing and designing standards that meet legal requirements and industry-specific needs. They collaborate with other engineers and technicians to ensure that the standards are practical and feasible. They also participate in working groups and committees to develop new standards.
Skills and tools
Standardization engineers need good knowledge in technical documentation and standardization processes. They use tools such as CAD programs for design and databases to manage standards. Analytical ability, accuracy, and the ability to collaborate are important qualities in the profession. Common competencies demanded by employers are byggmaskiner/anläggningsmaskiner, teknisk dokumentation and research.

10 programs with a strong connection to Standardiseringsingenjör

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Maskinteknik GR (A), Introduktion till ingenjörsarbete och produktutveckling

Högskoleutbildning, kurs
Study pace 50%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
Next start date
Education periodundefined – undefined

FPGA - ingenjör

Yrkeshögskoleutbildning, program
Study pace 100%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
Next start date
Education periodundefined – undefined

Masterprogram i informationsteknologi

Högskolan i Halmstad
Högskoleutbildning, program
Study pace 100%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
Next start date
Education periodundefined – undefined

Ingenjörsprojekt I G1F

Högskolan i Skövde
Högskoleutbildning, kurs
Study pace 50%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
Next start date
Education periodundefined – undefined

Civilingenjörsutbildning i informations- och kommunikationsteknik

Lunds universitet
Högskoleutbildning, program
Study pace 100%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
Next start date
Education periodundefined – undefined

Teknisk bastermin: Produktutveckling och design

Jönköping University
Högskoleutbildning, program
Study pace 100%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
Next start date
Education periodundefined – undefined

Tillämpad dataanalys för ingenjörer

Luleå tekniska universitet
Högskoleutbildning, kurs
Study pace 50%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
Next start date
Education periodundefined – undefined


Högskolan i Skövde
Högskoleutbildning, program
Study pace 100%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
Next start date
Education periodundefined – undefined

Additiv tillverkning grund - Koncept, begrepp och metoder

Högskolan Väst
Högskoleutbildning, kurs
Study pace 30%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
Next start date
Education periodundefined – undefined

Tillämpad statistik för ingenjörer

Mälardalens universitet
Högskoleutbildning, kurs
Study pace 50%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
Next start date
Education periodundefined – undefined