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Educational programs Specialkock


Statistics and facts

Örebro län
How many educational programs for Specialkock are there in Örebro län?
What does a Specialkock do?
About the role
Specialty chefs are qualified chefs who often focus on a specific food culture or advanced cooking technique. They may have undergone vocational training at a culinary school or similar, and have experience from working in high-class kitchens. Specialty chefs may also have specialized through courses in molecular gastronomy or vegetarian cooking, for example.
Specialty chefs are responsible for creating unique and high-quality dishes. They develop menus, prepare and cook meals with special expertise, and often oversee a kitchen team. They must also ensure that all dishes meet the standards of taste, presentation, and quality expected of their specialty area.
Skills and tools
Specialty chefs must master advanced cooking techniques and be creative in their recipe creation. They use professional kitchen equipment and are often skilled in handling special ingredients. Good leadership qualities, time management, and the ability to handle stress are important skills in this profession. Common competencies demanded by employers are sushi, wok and restaurangkök.



Kulinarisk kock och måltidskreatör

Örebro universitet
Högskoleutbildning, program
Study pace 100%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
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Education periodundefined – undefined