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Educational programs Regionchef, försäkring


Statistics and facts

Stockholms län
How many educational programs for Regionchef, försäkring are there in Stockholms län?
What does a Regionchef, försäkring do?
About the role
Regional managers in insurance are responsible for leading and developing the insurance business within a geographical area. They often have a background in insurance or finance and have supplemented with leadership training. Their role is strategic and often includes personnel responsibility as well as budget and profit responsibility.
Regional managers in insurance oversee sales, customer service, and daily operations within their district. They set goals, follow up on results, and ensure that the company's guidelines and regulations are adhered to. Coaching and developing employees as well as building relationships with key customers are central parts of the job.
Skills and tools
Regional managers in insurance must have strong leadership skills, knowledge of the insurance industry, and the ability to analyze financial data. They use CRM systems, analysis tools, and reporting programs. Communication and negotiation skills are also important qualities. Common competencies demanded by employers are utvecklingsarbete, personalansvar and skinn/textilier.



Förändringsarbete i pedagogiska miljöer

Södertörns högskola
Högskoleutbildning, kurs
Study pace 50%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
Next start date
Education periodundefined – undefined


Stall- och verksamhetsledare inom hästrelaterade näringar

JENSEN Education School AB
Yrkeshögskoleutbildning, program
Study pace 100%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
Next start date
Education periodundefined – undefined


Reflekterande praktik - att utveckla verksamhet och profession

Karolinska institutet
Högskoleutbildning, kurs
Study pace 25%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
Next start date
Education periodundefined – undefined



Företagsekonomiska Institutet 1888 AB
Yrkeshögskoleutbildning, program
Study pace 100%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
Next start date
Education periodundefined – undefined

Music Business Developer

DMG Education
Yrkeshögskoleutbildning, program
Study pace 100%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
Next start date
Education periodundefined – undefined

Säljare B2B

Stockholm School of Business
Yrkeshögskoleutbildning, program
Study pace 100%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
Next start date
Education periodundefined – undefined

Facility Management

Plushögskolan AB - Affärshögskolan
Yrkeshögskoleutbildning, program
Study pace 100%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
Next start date
Education periodundefined – undefined

Finansiering av start-ups

Stockholms universitet
Högskoleutbildning, kurs
Study pace 50%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
Next start date
Education periodundefined – undefined