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Educational programs Naturvårdare


Statistics and facts

Where can you get educated to become a Naturvårdare?
No data availableThere is currently no information available for any educational programs for Naturvårdare.
What does a Naturvårdare do?
About the role
Conservationists work to protect, manage, and monitor natural areas. They may have an education in biology, environmental science, or forestry. Conservationists are often employed by government agencies, municipalities, or private companies.
Conservationists monitor nature reserves and national parks to ensure that flora and fauna are preserved. They work with management plans, species protection, and environmental monitoring. Education and information to the public about conservation and sustainability are also part of their responsibilities.
Skills and tools
Conservationists need good knowledge of ecology and species identification. They use tools such as GPS for mapping, binoculars for bird watching, and databases for species registration. Fieldwork, communication skills, and pedagogy are important skills in the profession. Common competencies demanded by employers are naturvård, trädfällning and miljöanalys.

Programs in Sweden

No relevant programs found