About the role
Animal welfare inspectors work to ensure that animal husbandry and handling are carried out in accordance with applicable legislation. They are often employed by county administrative boards or municipalities and may have a background in zoology, veterinary medicine, or law. Their work is important for the welfare of animals and for maintaining society's norms for animal protection.Responsibilities
Animal welfare inspectors perform inspections of farms, zoos, kennels, and private animal owners. They investigate reports of animal abuse, provide advice and information to animal owners, and ensure that laws and regulations are complied with. If necessary, they can also issue injunctions and bans and participate in legal proceedings.Skills and tools
Animal welfare inspectors must have a good knowledge of animal species and animal welfare, as well as an understanding of relevant legislation. They need good communication skills to be able to convey information and requirements to animal owners. They often use administrative tools, reporting systems, and may need knowledge in animal handling. Common competencies demanded by employers are djurskydd, förvaltningslagen and svenskt medborgarskap.