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Educational programs Bostadsförvaltare


Statistics and facts

Where can you get educated to become a Bostadsförvaltare?
1Educational programs in Sweden
At the top (nr of programs)
What does a Bostadsförvaltare do?
About the role
Housing managers are responsible for the management of residential properties and ensure that these are well-maintained and economically profitable. They often have a background in property management or a relevant university degree. Housing managers work closely with tenants, property owners, and subcontractors.
Housing managers handle lease agreements, take care of leasing, and ensure that maintenance is performed. They are responsible for the budget and financial reporting for the properties. Ensuring that the properties comply with all laws and regulations is also part of their responsibilities.
Skills and tools
Housing managers need good knowledge in property economics, law, and technical management. They often use property management systems and other digital tools for administration. Communication and negotiation skills are important qualities in the profession. Common competencies demanded by employers are hyresjuridik, budgetansvar and personalansvar.

Programs in Sweden

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Fastighetsförvaltare med teknisk inriktning

Newton Kompetensutveckling AB
Yrkeshögskoleutbildning, program
Study pace 100%
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