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Educational programs Arbetsterapibiträde


Statistics and facts

Uppsala län
How many educational programs for Arbetsterapibiträde are there in Uppsala län?
What does a Arbetsterapibiträde do?
About the role
Occupational therapy assistants assist occupational therapists in their work to rehabilitate and support patients. They often have a high school education in healthcare and social care or equivalent knowledge acquired through work experience. Occupational therapy assistants are important for providing practical support and facilitating patients' daily lives.
Occupational therapy assistants help prepare and carry out therapeutic activities and exercises. They are responsible for adapting the work environment to the patient's needs and following up on treatment plans. Their work contributes to patients regaining or maintaining their functional abilities.
Skills and tools
Occupational therapy assistants need good communication skills and empathy to support patients. They use aids and adaptive equipment to facilitate patients' activities. Organizational ability and flexibility are important qualities in their work. Common competencies demanded by employers are rehabilitering, äldreomsorg and sjukhem/särskilt boende.




Uppsala universitet
Högskoleutbildning, program
Study pace 100%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
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Education periodundefined – undefined