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Prepressoperatör salary


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Stockholms län
Salary distribution
There is not enough data to show information about the salary status on the current market for this profession.
People in the profession
Practitioners in the occupational category prepresstekniker where prepressoperatör is included.
317Amount of people with this job in Stockholms län
32Amount of people with this profession in adjacent county
Quick analysis
Demand on the market right now
? / 5
There is not enough data to show demand for this profession.
Is there a high demand for Prepressoperatör?
Prepressoperatör is a profession that has been increasingly in demand in recent years. In Stockholms län a total of 317 people work in the occupational category prepresstekniker where the profession is included.
What skills are requested of a Prepressoperatör?
If you look at what competencies the employers are looking for in a prepressoperatör, kvalitetskontroll, adobe acrobat and packning are the most requested competencies.
Demand over time