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Arkivkanslist salary


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Salary distribution
Salary statistics for the occupational category arkiv- och biblioteksassistenter m.fl. where arkivkanslist is included, based on the whole country of Sweden.
People in the profession
Practitioners in the occupational category arkiv- och biblioteksassistenter m.fl. where arkivkanslist is included.
2910Amount of people with this job in Sweden
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Demand on the market right now
4 / 5
Is there a high demand for Arkivkanslist?
The demand for the profession Arkivkanslist has varied in recent years. In Sweden a total of 2 910 people work in the occupational category arkiv- och biblioteksassistenter m.fl. where the profession is included.
What skills are requested of a Arkivkanslist?
If you look at what competencies the employers are looking for in a arkivkanslist, arkivvetenskap, informationssäkerhet and svenskt medborgarskap are the most requested competencies.
Demand over time