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Educational programs Stenborrare, stenbrott


Statistics and facts

Where can you get educated to become a Stenborrare, stenbrott?
No data availableThere is currently no information available for any educational programs for Stenborrare, stenbrott.
What does a Stenborrare, stenbrott do?
About the role
Quarry drillers work on drilling into stone in quarries to prepare for blasting. They often have vocational training in mining or similar technical educations. Their work is critical for extracting stone materials used in the construction industry and other sectors.
Quarry drillers are responsible for drilling holes in stone blocks or rock walls according to carefully established plans. They handle and maintain the drilling equipment and ensure that all safety regulations are followed. After drilling, they insert explosives to break the stone into manageable pieces.
Skills and tools
Quarry drillers must have a good knowledge of drilling techniques and handling of drilling equipment. They use heavy machinery such as drill rigs and are skilled in assessing rock quality and blasting techniques. Safety awareness and physical endurance are also important attributes.

Programs in Sweden

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