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Educational programs Skogsinspektor


Statistics and facts

Västmanlands län
How many educational programs for Skogsinspektor are there in Västmanlands län?
What does a Skogsinspektor do?
About the role
Forest inspectors work with forest conservation and monitoring of forestry activities. They often have a forestry education from a university or college, such as a forest ranger or a master of forestry. Their knowledge is important to ensure sustainable management of forest resources.
Forest inspectors are responsible for planning and supervising forest management and logging. They conduct inventories, assess forest conditions, and ensure that laws and certification requirements are followed. They also provide advice to forest owners on forest care and sustainable practices.
Skills and tools
Forest inspectors need good knowledge in forest management, biology, and ecology. They use GIS tools for mapping and planning, as well as various measuring instruments for fieldwork. Communication skills and knowledge of environmental legislation are also important in their professional role. Common competencies demanded by employers are avverkningsplanering, marknadsföring/marknadskommunikation and marknadsföring/pr.




Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Högskoleutbildning, program
Study pace 100%
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