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Educational programs Scannertekniker / Scanneroperatör


Statistics and facts

Västernorrlands län
How many educational programs for Scannertekniker/Scanneroperatör are there in Västernorrlands län?
What does a Scannertekniker/Scanneroperatör do?
About the role
Scanner technicians are specialists in handling and maintaining scanning equipment for digitizing documents and images. They often work within archives, libraries, or in the graphic industry. Educational paths can include courses in document management or a technical education with a focus on scanning technology.
Scanner technicians are responsible for scanning, quality assuring, and archiving digital copies of physical documents and images. They adjust scanning settings for optimal image quality and manage metadata to organize and search in digital archives. Maintenance and troubleshooting of the scanning equipment are also an important part of their work.
Skills and tools
Scanner technicians must have good knowledge of scanning software and image processing tools such as Adobe Photoshop. They should be meticulous and have a good understanding of digital file formats and archiving systems. Technical competence for maintenance and repair of scanning equipment is also essential.



UAS fjärrpilot och operatör inom kategori specifik

YH Akademin AB
Yrkeshögskoleutbildning, program
Study pace 100%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
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