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Educational programs Provsmakare


Statistics and facts

Västerbottens län
How many educational programs for Provsmakare are there in Västerbottens län?
What does a Provsmakare do?
About the role
Taste testers have a unique role where they assess the taste, aroma, and texture of food and beverages. They can be employed within the food industry or work freelance for various clients. Often, they have a background in the culinary profession or an education in food science.
Taste testers are responsible for ensuring the quality of products by tasting, smelling, and evaluating them. They provide feedback to producers and can be involved in product development. Their work contributes to improving the taste experience for consumers.
Skills and tools
Taste testers must have a well-developed sense of taste and smell and be able to express their experiences in words. They often use standardized forms to document their assessments. Knowledge about food safety and hygiene is also important in their work.



Måltider ur ett historisk perspektiv - mat, dryck och värdskap

Umeå universitet
Högskoleutbildning, kurs
Study pace 50%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
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Education periodundefined – undefined


Umeå universitet
Högskoleutbildning, kurs
Study pace 100%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
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Education periodundefined – undefined