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Educational programs Ocularist


Statistics and facts

Where can you get educated to become a Ocularist?
No data availableThere is currently no information available for any educational programs for Ocularist.
What does a Ocularist do?
About the role
Ocularists are specialists who design, manufacture, and fit artificial eyes for individuals who have lost one or both eyes. They combine artistic skills with medical knowledge to create realistic prostheses. The education can include a combination of craft training and studies in anatomy and color theory.
Ocularists meet with patients to take measurements and create a custom-fitted eye prosthesis. They paint and shape the prosthesis to match the patient's other eye. Follow-up and adjustments are important to ensure comfort and aesthetics.
Skills and tools
Ocularists use a variety of tools to shape and color eye prostheses, including brushes, pigments, and molding materials. Manual dexterity and a good sense of aesthetics are central. They must also have knowledge of the anatomy of the eye and patient communication.

Programs in Sweden

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