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Educational programs Musikinstrumentmakare


Statistics and facts

Östergötlands län
How many educational programs for Musikinstrumentmakare are there in Östergötlands län?
What does a Musikinstrumentmakare do?
About the role
Musical instrument makers are craftsmen who specialize in creating, repairing, and maintaining musical instruments. They may have a broad range of skills or be specialized in specific groups of instruments, such as string instruments or wind instruments. Education can vary from apprenticeships to formal training at vocational colleges or similar institutions.
Musical instrument makers are responsible for carefully manufacturing and restoring musical instruments using traditional and modern methods. They also perform adjustments and repairs to ensure the functionality and sound quality of the instruments. Customer contact to discuss specific needs and desires is an important part of the job.
Skills and tools
Musical instrument makers need knowledge in acoustics, materials science, and craft techniques. They use tools such as planes, saws, files, and specialized tools adapted for specific instruments. Creativity, precision, and a good ear for assessing sound quality are central skills in the profession.



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Yrkeshögskoleutbildning, program
Study pace 50%
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