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Educational programs Molekylärbiolog


Statistics and facts

Uppsala län
How many educational programs for Molekylärbiolog are there in Uppsala län?
What does a Molekylärbiolog do?
About the role
Molecular biologists study biological processes at the molecular level, often focusing on DNA, RNA, and proteins. They usually have a higher academic education, such as a doctoral degree in molecular biology or a related field. Research and development are central parts of their work, often within academia, biotechnology, or the pharmaceutical industry.
Molecular biologists perform experiments to understand the function of genes, the structure of proteins, and the interactions of cells. They analyze genetic material and develop methods to manipulate genes. Their work contributes to new medical treatments, understanding of disease mechanisms, and the development of biotechnological products.
Skills and tools
Molecular biologists are proficient in techniques such as PCR, gel electrophoresis, and sequencing. They use advanced laboratory equipment and computer programs to analyze biological data. Critical thinking, precision, and the ability to handle complex information are important skills in their work. Common competencies demanded by employers are molekylärbiologi, research and cellbiologi.



Masterprogram i bioinformatik - Biologibakgrund

Uppsala universitet
Högskoleutbildning, program
Study pace 100%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
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