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Educational programs Kyrkokamrer


Statistics and facts

Västra Götalands län
How many educational programs for Kyrkokamrer are there in Västra Götalands län?
What does a Kyrkokamrer do?
About the role
Church treasurers are responsible for financial management within the Swedish Church and handle the economic administration for a parish or a diocese. They often have an education in economics and are well-versed in the church's organization and regulations. Their work is important to ensure sound financial management of the church's funds.
Church treasurers are responsible for budgeting, bookkeeping, and preparing financial statements. They manage payroll administration, invoice handling, and financial reporting to the parish or diocese board. They also ensure that financial guidelines and laws are followed.
Skills and tools
Church treasurers must have a good knowledge of financial control, accounting, and tax regulations. They use financial systems, Excel, and other databases to manage financial information. Analytical ability, accuracy, and integrity are central qualities in the profession.



Externredovisning I G1N

Högskolan i Skövde
Högskoleutbildning, kurs
Study pace 25%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
Next start date
Education periodundefined – undefined


Företagsekonomi, 1-30, Nät

Högskolan Väst
Högskoleutbildning, kurspaket
Study pace 50%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
Next start date
Education periodundefined – undefined


Affärsinriktad Redovisningsekonom

Plushögskolan AB - Affärshögskolan
Yrkeshögskoleutbildning, program
Study pace 100%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
Next start date
Education periodundefined – undefined