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Educational programs Handläggare, intresseorganisation / Utredare, intresseorganisation


Statistics and facts

Where can you get educated to become a Handläggare, intresseorganisation/Utredare, intresseorganisation?
No data availableThere is currently no information available for any educational programs for Handläggare, intresseorganisation/Utredare, intresseorganisation.
What does a Handläggare, intresseorganisation/Utredare, intresseorganisation do?
About the role
Case workers at interest organizations work to support the organization's purposes by handling cases and projects. They may have an academic background in social sciences, law, or another relevant field. Their work is often focused on representing the members' interests and influencing decision-makers.
Case workers at interest organizations are responsible for preparing documentation, writing reports and opinions. They may also handle member inquiries, organize meetings and seminars, and monitor political decisions. Maintaining contacts with authorities and other organizations is an important part of the job.
Skills and tools
Case workers at interest organizations need good skills in communication, both orally and in writing. They often use software for word processing, spreadsheets, and presentation software. Analytical ability, organizational competence, and understanding of political processes are central skills.

Programs in Sweden

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