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Educational programs Glassberedare


Statistics and facts

Örebro län
How many educational programs for Glassberedare are there in Örebro län?
What does a Glassberedare do?
About the role
Ice cream makers are specialists in making ice cream and other frozen desserts. They combine ingredients according to recipes to create different ice cream flavors and textures. Education can vary from practical experience to courses in food science or pastry.
Ice cream makers are responsible for selecting and dosing ingredients, monitoring the manufacturing process, and ensuring product quality. They must strictly follow hygiene and safety regulations. Additionally, packaging and sometimes the development of new flavors are often included in their duties.
Skills and tools
Ice cream makers need knowledge of raw materials and an understanding of manufacturing processes. They use equipment such as ice cream machines, pasteurizers, and cooling systems. Creativity, precision, and a good sense of taste and smell are important qualities in the profession.



Kulinarisk kock och måltidskreatör

Örebro universitet
Högskoleutbildning, program
Study pace 100%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
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Education periodundefined – undefined