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Educational programs Fastighetsjurist


Statistics and facts

Where can you get educated to become a Fastighetsjurist?
17Educational programs in Sweden
What does a Fastighetsjurist do?
About the role
Real estate lawyers are specialized in legal matters within the property sector and handle issues related to property purchase, sale, and leasing. They often have a law degree and additional specialization in property law. Real estate lawyers work at law firms, in public administration, or at larger real estate companies.
Real estate lawyers provide advice on property transactions, draft and review contracts and agreements. They represent clients in disputes and negotiations and ensure that all transactions comply with applicable laws and regulations. They also handle issues related to property development, planning, and building legislation.
Skills and tools
Real estate lawyers must have in-depth knowledge of property law and be skilled negotiators. They use legal databases and document management systems to streamline their work. Analytical ability, accuracy, and the capacity to interpret legal texts are central skills. Common competencies demanded by employers are fastighetsrätt, hyresjuridik and förhandlingsvana.

10 programs with a strong connection to Fastighetsjurist

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Stockholms universitet
Högskoleutbildning, program
Study pace 100%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
Next start date
Education periodundefined – undefined

Rättsvetenskap, kandidat

Luleå tekniska universitet
Högskoleutbildning, program
Study pace 100%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
Next start date
Education periodundefined – undefined

Kompletteringsutbildning för utländska jurister

Stockholms universitet
Högskoleutbildning, program
Study pace 100%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
Next start date
Education periodundefined – undefined


Uppsala universitet
Högskoleutbildning, program
Study pace 100%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
Next start date
Education periodundefined – undefined


Karlstads universitet
Högskoleutbildning, program
Study pace 100%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
Next start date
Education periodundefined – undefined

Kandidatprogram i juridik med inriktning mot affärsrätt och offentlig rätt

Södertörns högskola
Högskoleutbildning, program
Study pace 100%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
Next start date
Education periodundefined – undefined


Linköpings universitet
Högskoleutbildning, kurs
Study pace 25%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
Next start date
Education periodundefined – undefined


Göteborgs universitet
Högskoleutbildning, program
Study pace 100%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
Next start date
Education periodundefined – undefined

Rättsvetarprogrammet med internationell och digital inriktning

Örebro universitet
Högskoleutbildning, program
Study pace 100%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
Next start date
Education periodundefined – undefined


Lunds universitet
Högskoleutbildning, program
Study pace 100%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
Next start date
Education periodundefined – undefined