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Educational programs Avsynare, el-tele


Statistics and facts

Västra Götalands län
How many educational programs for Avsynare, el-tele are there in Västra Götalands län?
What does a Avsynare, el-tele do?
About the role
Inspectors within electrical and telecommunications are technical specialists who work to check and ensure the quality of electrical and telecommunication installations. They often have a background as electricians or telecommunications technicians and have supplemented with courses in quality assurance and inspection. Their expertise is important for meeting safety requirements and technical standards.
The responsibilities of inspectors include reviewing and approving new installations, performing systematic checks, and documenting deviations. They collaborate with installers to rectify deficiencies and ensure that the work complies with applicable norms and regulations. Regular monitoring and quality assessment of electrical and telecommunication installations are a central part of the job.
Skills and tools
Inspectors must have good knowledge in electrical engineering and telecommunications as well as an understanding of relevant laws and standards. They use measuring instruments and diagnostic tools to assess the quality of installations. Good communication skills, accuracy, and the ability to document are important skills in the profession.



Maskiningenjör - Automation och AI

Högskolan i Borås
Högskoleutbildning, program
Study pace 100%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
Next start date
Education periodundefined – undefined


Automationsingenjör - processteknik. (Västra Götalands län)

Göteborgs Stad, Yrgo
Yrkeshögskoleutbildning, program
Study pace 100%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
Next start date
Education periodundefined – undefined

Underhållstekniker - el och automation

Göteborgs Tekniska College AB
Yrkeshögskoleutbildning, program
Study pace 100%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
Next start date
Education periodundefined – undefined

Arkitekturer för horisontellt skalande system

Göteborgs universitet
Högskoleutbildning, kurs
Study pace 50%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
Next start date
Education periodundefined – undefined

CAD-ingenjör processindustri

Plushögskolan AB - Teknikhögskolan
Yrkeshögskoleutbildning, program
Study pace 100%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
Next start date
Education periodundefined – undefined

Automationsingenjör robotik

Plushögskolan AB - Teknikhögskolan
Yrkeshögskoleutbildning, program
Study pace 100%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
Next start date
Education periodundefined – undefined


Hermods AB Göteborg
Yrkeshögskoleutbildning, program
Study pace 100%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
Next start date
Education periodundefined – undefined


Stiftelsen Tillskärarakademin i Göteborg
Yrkeshögskoleutbildning, program
Study pace 100%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
Next start date
Education periodundefined – undefined


Produktionstekniker för framtidens automatiserade industri

Mariestads kommun, Dacapo Mariestad
Yrkeshögskoleutbildning, program
Study pace 100%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
Next start date
Education periodundefined – undefined


Artificiell intelligens för industriell kvalitetskontroll A1N

Högskolan i Skövde
Högskoleutbildning, kurs
Study pace 20%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
Next start date
Education periodundefined – undefined



Högskolan Väst
Högskoleutbildning, program
Study pace 100%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
Next start date
Education periodundefined – undefined

Hållbar automation

Högskolan Väst
Högskoleutbildning, kurs
Study pace 30%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
Next start date
Education periodundefined – undefined

Specialist inom svetsautomation

Högskolan Väst
Yrkeshögskoleutbildning, program
Study pace 100%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
Next start date
Education periodundefined – undefined

Underhållstekniker el och automation

Lernia Utbildning AB
Yrkeshögskoleutbildning, program
Study pace 100%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
Next start date
Education periodundefined – undefined

Elektroingenjör, Elkraft och hållbara elsystem

Högskolan Väst
Högskoleutbildning, program
Study pace 100%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
Next start date
Education periodundefined – undefined