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Educational programs Advokatfiskal


Statistics and facts

Hallands län
How many educational programs for Advokatfiskal are there in Hallands län?
What does a Advokatfiskal do?
About the role
Public prosecutors are lawyers who work at the prosecutor's office and specialize in leading preliminary investigations and prosecuting criminal cases. They have completed a law degree at a university and served as judicial clerks, as well as undergone prosecutor training. Public prosecutors are government employees and often serve at district courts or higher instances.
The responsibilities of a public prosecutor include investigating crimes, making decisions about prosecutions, and representing the state in trials. They collaborate with the police during preliminary investigations and are responsible for presenting evidence in court. Maintaining legal certainty and objectivity is central to their work.
Skills and tools
Public prosecutors must have a good knowledge of law, especially criminal law, and be skilled in legal argumentation and evidence evaluation. They use legal databases and legislative texts as tools. The ability to think critically, communicate, and ethical awareness are important skills.



Bostadsrätt - ombildning

Högskolan i Halmstad
Högskoleutbildning, kurs
Study pace 50%
DescriptionDescription for this program does not exist.
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