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Senior Embedded Developer for a company in industrial communication


HMS Networks

Manufacturing of communication equipment
Swedish is not required
Halmstad, Stationsgatan 37 • 1-3 remote work days
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Senior Embedded Developer for a company where hardware meets software. At HMS Networks, you will have the opportunity to develop your technical skills in an innovative and relaxed atmosphere.
HMS Networks is a company whose technology enables industrial equipment to communicate and share information with its surroundings. Here, they develop products that help users become more connected, productive, and sustainable. Now, HMS Anybus Development department is looking for you - an experienced Embedded Developer who is hungry for new knowledge and thrives in a non-prestigious environment.

Your job at HMS Networks


Team member
Test Engineer
Team member
Embedded Developer
Team member
Test Engineer
Team member
Embedded Developer
Team member
Embedded Developer
Embedded Developer
Team member
Embedded Developer
You will contribute with your experience in software architecture and development of software components, both in terms of internal product development and customized solutions for customers. Your role covers the entire process - from specification of functionality to implementation and validation. HMS software is used in leading industrial networks, and industrial applications rely on it being fast, reliable and secure. It is therefore crucial that you and your team adapt the software to different industry needs and ensure that it performs at a top level in these critical applications.In this role, you have the opportunity to explore and work with new ideas and technologies. Here, you benefit from your curiosity and strong learning ability. Depending on interests and experiences, there are opportunities for variation in the work, as HMS works with both new development and maintenance.You work in a humble environment where everyone shares their knowledge and wants to help each other. The teams usually consist of 4 to 6 people depending on the project. In the long run, there are great opportunities to grow and take on more responsibility within the company. For example, you can be involved in sales support, take a leadership role in design issues, become a mentor for others, or lead graduation projects.


What we’re looking for

To fit the role, you need to have at least three years of experience in Embedded development (C, C++). If you also happen to have good knowledge of Python, or why not Embedded Linux, it's a big plus. HMS Networks also welcomes knowledge in hardware, wireless technologies, and experience with industrial protocols.
Personal Qualities
HMS would like you to be a curious person who never gets tired of new experiences. You understand the importance of good collaboration and are more than willing to share your own knowledge. If you also like the idea of being part of a familiar workplace where you have a lot of fun together, you and HMS could be a good match.
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HMS Networks - Halmstad

Work at HMS Networks

Sebastian and Jesper share what it's like to work at HMS Networks!


Active environmental choices
HMS Networks aims to be carbon positive by 2025, meaning they will save more carbon dioxide than they emit. The company is constantly working to improve their products and make them more environmentally friendly. They achieve this by reviewing material choices in product design and setting high standards for suppliers, ensuring compliance with HMS supplier code. They also have close collaborations with suppliers to continuously improve sustainability efforts. Currently, HMS is installing solar panels on the roof of their office in Halmstad, and some of their offices outside of Sweden already have solar panels in place. Within the company's travel policy, priority is given to the use of trains and electric vehicles whenever possible.
HMS Networks operates within a male-dominated industry. Therefore, they actively work to attract and retain a diverse range of talents in terms of gender, age, and background. At HMS in Halmstad, approximately one-third of employees are women, while two-thirds are men. Regarding age distribution, it is evenly spread across the age groups of 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, with slightly lower representation in the 50-59 group. HMS has a clear policy against discriminatory treatment. They strive to create a workplace where everyone feels welcome and appreciated. The company's corporate culture, known as Heart, Mind & Soul, strengthens collaboration and community at all levels.
Benefits to society
HMS's products enable smarter resource utilization and reduce carbon emissions both for customers and society as a whole. An important foundation of the company's sustainability efforts is reflected in the three elements of Heart, Mind, and Soul (HMS), which summarize HMS's corporate culture: Heart represents collaboration, commitment, and responsibility.Mind involves building for the future and focusing on sustainable growth.Soul encompasses being courageous, driven, and inspiring in one's work.

Personal development

At HMS, personal development is an ongoing process throughout the year, facilitated through development discussions, goal-setting conversations, regular follow-ups, and well-being initiatives. The company believes in the value of having mentors, and these mentorship programs are tailored for each new employee or junior. There are also significant opportunities for competence growth at HMS. The company has individuals who have grown within their specific areas of expertise as well as those who have completely transitioned to different competence areas. This year, HMS received the "Career Company 2023" award along with other prominent companies. This recognition is partially due to the company being at the forefront of technology, offering employees room for growth and development.Another achievement that HMS takes great pride in is being certified as a Great Place to Work company.

This is what makes us stand out

HMS Networks has created a work environment where development, creativity, and playfulness are encouraged. Twice a year, the Anybus Hackathon is organized, which includes coding, development, drinking cola, and eating chips with colleagues. At Anybus, Development Forums are also held, where developers and testers can discuss their craft in informal settings.Anybus University offers a training format where employees can share their expertise in interesting and relevant areas. The goal is to spread and broaden knowledge (especially on the development side) and generate ideas for what HMS can use in its current and future products. Several times a year, the company invites its newest HMSers to participate in HMS Onboarding events at the HQ in Halmstad. New colleagues from around the world gather to learn more about the company and its values while getting a chance to get to know each other across borders. In HMS's newly renovated cafeteria, colleagues gather for lunch and coffee breaks, the customary Friday rolls, or a game of billiards. They also have recurring after-work events where HMS's own band, Under the Ice Cream Parlor, occasionally performs. It's a festive atmosphere!


Bild på HMS byggnad
The HMS office is partially housed in the old locomotive stables (lokstallarna) in central Halmstad. Here, they have expertise across the entire value chain – from development, supply, IT & digital to marketing & sales, finance & accounting, and HR. Today, employees work in open landscapes of various sizes, with the ability to work both focused and socially.HMS has embarked on a journey of change towards a flexible way of working, and during the autumn, renovations will begin on the office landscapes to make them more tailored to the needs of flexible work and department/team requirements.Employees often have lunch together in the large, newly renovated cafeteria. On sunny days, many choose to eat outside in one of the two courtyards.In the summer of 2023, HMS's new Supply Logistic Center (SLC) will be completed, featuring a modern and fast picking automation solution, as well as a rooftop with a large meeting room and a terrace with a sea view.The HMS office is only a 3-minute walk from Halmstad train and bus station. Car and bicycle parking are available adjacent to the office.
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